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 “An outstanding, much needed book!  This read is full of credible facts about the Jewish culture, but more importantly, the many layers of the Jewish faith.  It provides details that every believer and non-believer should read, absorb and be challenged by.  It  delves deep into God’s purpose and plan for Jews and Gentiles, and what the role is for Gentile believers to the Jews.  I started out with many questions, but as I read on, my questions were all answered.  This book is truly a great tool to teach us how to provide hope to the Jews, but also a guideline of facts in understanding where they come from and how they have evolved today.  Elaine writes in a way that gives a breakdown of facts making it easy to visualize and understand.  This is one of those books that you keep an extra copy to share when God provides the opportunity.  The fact that Elaine lived and experienced the Jewish life makes this book magnetic straight out of the gate! This book couldn’t be published fast enough!” 

- Colleen Psihountas

Finding Jesus in Judaism is a go-to resource for those wanting to understand the Jewish faith, traditions and practices in relation to Jesus the Messiah.  Elaine is thorough in her use of both Old Testament and New Testament Scripture, as well as Jewish history and customs, to give us insight in not only understanding Judaism, but being able to speak about its relationship to Christianity intelligently.  Her own personal experience being raised in a Jewish family gives her credibility in helping us to see the bridge between these two faiths.”

- Brian Richardson, Associate Pastor, Lenexa Baptist Church

“Elaine Jacobs entreats her readers to understand and consider the plight of the Jewish people with such compassion and insight, that the readers are drawn into a passionate plea for action.  Her book illuminates Scripture in laymen’s terms to apprise the facts of Jewish unbelief from both Old and New Testament perspectives.  One is instantly drawn into the subtleties of Jewish unbelief and the ultimate solution for accepting true faith through the confession of Yeshua as Lord.  May the Lord use this powerful treatise for His glory, bringing many Gentiles to an understanding of the Scriptures that attest salvation in Messiah to the Jewish people."

                - Vicki Hauser


“The author writes from personal experiences of being raised in a religious Jewish home, attending synagogue, and even includes recipes of her favorite Jewish dishes. She brings what it means to be Jewish to life for the reader.  My main interest, however, concerned difficulties Jewish people have with receiving Jesus as Messiah.  These issues were covered from numerous perspectives providing deeper understanding of ways to share the gospel with a Jewish person.  I highly recommend this book to anyone having a heart for Israel, the Jewish people, and a desire to obey the Great Commission.” 


- Constance J. Carstens

“Wow. How can you not admire a passion to share the love of Christ with Jewish brothers and sisters? In her book, Finding Jesus in Judaism, Elaine Baughman equips the reader with the scriptural and cultural tools to have a Gospel conversation with those of the Jewish faith. 

Her work is thorough and thought provoking.  

The material informs, encourages, and challenges us to serve on mission.  This is a helpful read for believers of all ages wanting to grow in the ability to share and defend their faith.  Kudos to Elaine for putting her heart’s

desire on paper.”

- Bill Shiflett, Worship and Media Pastor, Lenexa Baptist Church

As I read my friend’s book, I was overwhelmed with the beautiful depth of knowledge she shared.  The history with the Scriptures woven in became alive.  All the attention to detail opened my eyes to see the Chosen People in a powerful and real way.  Every portion of her book was threaded with Scriptures of understanding from both the Old and New Testament.  I am so grateful to be able to learn the truths of the Jewish people, their customs, celebrations, sects and reasons for their outlooks.  I also learned about their hearts and how to best share mine with my Jewish friends.  Thank you, Elaine, for all your hard work in this project of love.  May God mightily use it for His Kingdom.


- Patti Mowrer

“What an informative and personal read.  From cover to cover the book is saturated in Scripture and personal experience.  I especially appreciate the attention to cultural practices that can serve as springboards for evangelism.  Elaine does a fantastic job of bringing ‘First to the Jew’ into focus for the Church."

- Seth Budimlija, Pastor, Bridge Church, DeSoto, KS

If you have ever felt too intimidated or afraid to share the gospel with the Jewish people, this is the book for you! Elaine Jacobs explains the basics of Jewish beliefs and customs in a way that is very easy to understand and appreciate.  The practical steps and guidance she shares will help equip you, and her personal story of Jewish fulfillment in the Messiah will thrill and motivate you to want to share the good news with others. 

- Dawn Gomillion 

“I love the way Elaine lays out biblical history and gives steps to share Jesus in a way that both honors and respects the rich Jewish heritage.  She enables the reader to see the scarlet thread of redemption woven throughout the Old Testament, and then, to see the true Messiah, Jesus Christ.”


- Linda Hollander  

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